Totally Awesome Tools for Staying on Task

Things to do

Whether you’re starting a new business or bringing on a new client, your mind is all over the place sending this, registering that, and not to mention the actual work you have to fit somewhere in between. My saving grace has been trying above all else to stay organized. I’ve compiled a few different tools that I use to stay on top of my tasks and get me through those crazy days.


Trello is a great tool for company-wide or personal organization. With an endless stream of awesome features and developers hard at work constantly updating it with user-generated tweaks, Trello has quickly become a task management favorite.

Featured in our own Jared Carrizales‘ Trello Tuesday, is this board, showing viewers step by step instructions on conducting their own One Hour SEO Audit Checklist. Trello is also available in app form in both the Apple App Store and Android Google Play StoreSEO Audit Checklist as Trello board


WunderlistVery similar to Trello, Wunderlist, tops my favorites list when it comes to online task management. With a very clean UI, I’m able to cut the fluff and GSD (Get Sh!t Done). I’m an avid Apple user so the integration with all of my devices was a major selling point for me. This tool is available for both Mac and iPhone app stores and works equally as well on both. Or you can sign up for the strictly online version at

Printable To-Do Lists

To Do2A study conducted by Miratech in 2011 suggested that international research found memory retention to be 20% lower when reading from an iPad compared to print. That being said, we need to combine both digital and print materials to produce our to-do lists to ensure that we remember and execute tasks with ease.

Your brain reacts to colors. Use colored pens or colored paper to increase your memory juice and provide a visually pleasing reminder to put on your bulletin board or desk. There are several of these free printable to-do lists online, so finding one that features all of the necessary fields for your tasks should be fairly easy.

Mobile Apps

To DoDo you still need help getting organized? There’s an app for that! According to, the average person checks their phone 150 times a day, working out to every 6.5 minutes that the average person is awake. For task management on the go, check out Gizmodo’s list of the six best apps for getting shit done. This list showcases the best in to-do lists for both iOS and Android users. Featuring both free and paid features, these apps will help you to stay on top of your to-do list wherever you are.

To-do apps and tools aren’t the only ones that you can leverage to stay on-task. As a matter of fact, you should be automating as much of your work as possible. Today, that’s pretty easy considering there’s an app for everything. You can even send automated e-Birthday Cards to your clients and customers.

Final Thoughts

Keep your job simple by using software that enhances your productivity. Task and list management will keep you on-track, but that’s not all you need. Automate as much of your work as possible to make sure you’re getting shit done. What are your favorite productivity apps?


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