What Is Sentiment Analysis? And Its Role In SEO Strategy

What if you could read your customers’ minds? Sentiment analysis SEO gets you close. With it, you can uncover valuable insights to refine your SEO strategy.

In this article, we will discuss what sentiment analysis is, how it works, and the impact it has on SEO. Plus, we will explore its challenges and limitations so you can prepare how to deal with them.

By the end of this, you and your SEO team will be ready to integrate sentiment analysis into your strategies to boost customer satisfaction and get higher rankings on search engine results pages.

What Is Sentiment Analysis & Its Importance?

Sentiment analysis, aka opinion mining, is a method for analyzing emotional tone in text data. This can be from online reviews, news articles, or social media platforms.

Your business can use it to see positive or negative customer reactions. It gives you useful information to improve your products, services, and marketing efforts.

For example, your ‘Organic Green Tea’ supplement is getting rave reviews for its health benefits but negative comments about its taste. With this sentiment insight, you can improve the flavor or share fun advice on mixing it with other beverages to make it tastier.

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Sentiment Analysis Examples

To understand it better, let’s discuss its 4 types:

1 Example Chart

With sentiment analysis, you can understand your audience’s feelings and work to make customer satisfaction consistently high. Plus, it tells you about your online reputation so you can respond to negative feedback before it escalates.

How Does Sentiment Analysis In SEO Work?

Sentiment analysis uses artificial intelligence technologies like natural language processing to read text like humans. It breaks down sentences into understandable parts.

Machine learning also teaches systems to learn from historical data to improve sentiment analysis accuracy over time. Sentiment analysis algorithms also use machine learning to classify sentiment, including if the text is positive, negative, or neutral.

Meanwhile, lexicon-based approaches use sentiment lexicons to match words to sentimental values. These dictionaries assign sentiment scores to words based on meaning and usage. For example, “love” might have a high positive score, while “hate” has a high negative score. This method quickly determines the overall sentiment of a text.

Context is also important in sentiment analysis. For example, “not bad” is positive, even though “bad” is negative.

With all these technologies, you can have data to help your business make more money online and in-store. This is because you get an accurate look into how your customers feel about your products, making it easier for you to make smarter decisions.

How Sentiment Analysis Impacts SEO: 4 Major Ways

While exploring how sentiment analysis impacts search engine optimization, jot down actionable steps. Then, think about how you can tweak them based on your needs.

1. Strengthens Link-Building Strategy

Positive sentiment around your brand encourages other high-quality sites to link to you. These first-rate links help signal search engines and users that your business is trustworthy and dependable. This is especially critical if you are in these industries:

  • Finance: Good backlinks make your financial advice and services reliable, which gives clients the confidence to let you manage their hard-earned money.
  • Data solutions: For both B2C and B2B data enrichment, authoritative backlinks show you comply with privacy rules and ensure data accuracy. This builds credibility for your data solutions.

More importantly, sentiment analysis will reveal high-quality sites that mention your brand or industry positively. You can then target these sites for backlinks to improve your domain authority and search engine rankings.

What You Should Do

First, set up Google Alerts for your brand mentions to track web mentions easily. Simply follow these steps:

How to set up and use Google Alerts

Then, find positive words about your products or services in these alerts. Look for user-generated content with positive reviews.

To get better opinion-mining insights, exclude your brand website from the Google Alerts results, like this:

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Google Alerts Exclusion Feature

Once you identify the websites that express positive sentiment about your business, reach out to them for link-building opportunities. Highlight the positive feedback in your outreach to build strong connections.

Also, thank them for their support and suggest linking to your website for more information. You should also offer additional resources or content that might interest their audience to encourage a valuable backlink.

Here’s an example:

Subject: Thanks for the Shoutout! Let’s Collaborate

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Outreach Email Example

However, link-building outreach can be tricky and time-consuming. Plus, making mistakes about link exchanges can cause Google to penalize you.

So it is best to hire a specialized link-building agency like Heroic Search, to handle the whole process and give you revenue-driven campaigns. We manage outreach campaigns to authoritative sites to help set your brand as a leader in your niche.

2. Identifies Content Gaps

Analyze customer feedback to find areas where your audience feels underserved or confused to create content that addresses these needs.

Additionally, filling these gaps makes your site more relevant and authoritative. With that, your content will attract more visitors and keep them engaged, sending signals to search engines that your content is valuable.

What You Should Do

Once you analyze sentiments, look for recurring topics with negative or neutral sentiments. For example, if customers frequently mention difficulty understanding how to use your smart thermostat product, this indicates a content gap.

Then, refine or validate your content gap analysis using Ahrefs. It will highlight keywords and topics you haven’t covered yet, like this:

How to Find “Gaps” in Your Content Strategy [ToD 20]

This complements sentiment analysis by showing specific search terms about the gaps you identified through customer feedback. Here’s an example:

  • Sentiment analysis: Customers frequently mention difficulty understanding how to use your smart thermostat.
  • Ahrefs validation: Use Ahrefs to find relevant keywords like “Set up a smart thermostat” or “Best settings for smart thermostat” that competitors rank for but you don’t. This validates the content gap and shows its SEO potential.

Then, develop online content targeted to address your identified gaps. If your customers are confused about a product feature, create a detailed guide or FAQ. Improve areas with negative sentiment and turn it to your advantage.

With this, you can effectively use sentiment analysis to improve your content marketing strategies and online presence. More importantly, fill these gaps to increase customer satisfaction with your brand.

3. Optimizes Keyword Strategy

A well-optimized keyword strategy helps attract the right audience. With opinion mining, you gain valuable insights into which keywords carry positive sentiment. Use the data to create content around those terms so they align with what your audience values and searches for.

What does this result in? Your content is likely to rank higher and become more visible. Plus, it increases the chances that users who click on your content are genuinely interested. With this, you can get higher engagement rates and lower bounce rates.

What You Should Do

Use your customer sentiment analysis results to find keywords associated with positive aspects of your products or services.

Then, look for the recurring themes from the positive feedback. For instance, if customers keep praising your “easy-to-follow recipes,” note this keyword. Then use Google Keyword Planner to search for terms related to that topic.

Here’s an example: Input “easy-to-follow recipes” into the tool. You can also add a relevant term like “easy recipes” since they convey the same meaning. With that, here are the results:

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Google Keyword Planner Example

Look at it to get ideas about what main keywords you can use to develop content. For instance, “healthy breakfast ideas” is searched between 100K to 1 million monthly. So, you can create content around quick and easy healthy breakfast recipes to tap into this interest. Highlight the positive aspects like “quick preparation” and “nutritious benefits.”

Also, use the keyword research results to plan a more comprehensive content strategy. You can create content around other terms that reflect the positive feedback you get. This guarantees you produce content that your audience will enjoy and find actionable.

4. Improves Brand Reputation Management

With opinion mining, you can identify trends and address customer concerns quickly. This proactive approach improves your brand’s online reputation.

How does this help your SEO strategy?

A strong brand reputation builds trust and credibility with human readers and search engines.

What You Should Do

Use Google Alerts, Prowly, or Social Sprout to track brand mentions. Then, identify positive and negative sentiments to understand customer perceptions and identify areas for improvement.

Prioritize negative feedback and address it within 24 hours. Suppose a customer leaves a review saying their recent order from your online store arrived damaged. Apologize for the inconvenience and offer a solution, like a replacement or a refund. Show customers you value their opinions and are committed to improving.

Here’s how you can respond:

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Email Addressing Negative Feedback

In addition, analyzing sentiment lets you identify negative opinions around your content. This lets you find blogs, videos, or images that turn off potential customers. Use this information to update or remove such content.

As for the positive feedback, share it on your social media sites or homepage. Show your potential customers that others believe and appreciate your products or services. The more credible your brand is, the more search engines know you give valuable content.

5. Elevates User Experience

Analyze sentiment to identify specific elements of your website that users like and pinpoint areas for improvement that matter most to your audience.

With a better user experience, customers are more likely to explore your website. You can get higher engagement, which makes search engines see your site as relevant and useful.

Additionally, satisfied users are more likely to return and recommend your site to others. This increases your site’s traffic and visibility.

What You Should Do

Look for reviews or mentions with negative sentiment. For instance, if users complain about unclear product information, make your product descriptions detailed and informative. Make sure critical information is not left out.

A great example of this is Green Supply. Their product description sections come with the ingredient list and disclaimers in large fonts. Unlike other brands, these important details are prominently displayed instead of being hidden in small print.

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Green Supply Product Page Example

Meanwhile, if you see negative sentiment around your site’s navigation, make it more intuitive. Reorganize your menu to be more user-friendly and straightforward. Add clear labels and group-related items logically to improve your user’s browsing experience.

Here’s how we do it:

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Heroic Search Navigation

The services, case studies, blog, and other information are 1-click away from the homepage. Plus, every label and category is clear so users can explore all the content and services easily.

4 Key Steps To Perform Sentiment Analysis

As you go through this section, get your team together to create a plan on how you can use these steps to implement sentiment analysis for your brand.

Step 1: Collect Data

To get started, gather text data from social media, online reviews, forums, blog comments, and customer feedback. This variety helps you capture a broad spectrum of opinions and insights from your target audience.

Use Google Alerts to track mention of your brand, products, or industry keywords in search results. For social media, if you are a small business with limited visibility, simply type your brand name in the platform’s search bar to see your mentions.

However, if you have a bigger business, use Prowly’s Media Monitoring tool to track your increased mentions on social media.

Sentiment Analysis SEO - Prowly Brand Monitoring

These tools let you see user sentiment in real-time, so you can either jump on the positive momentum or quickly fix problems.

Step 2: Clean & Prepare Data

Data cleaning means refining your collected sentiment data to make sure it is accurate and relevant. So remove irrelevant mentions, spam, and advertisements. Next, strip out the punctuation, stopwords, and special characters to clean the text.

To make this process efficient, use text processing tools like Python. Here’s an example:

How to Clean Text Based Data for NLP – Part 3 – Python Yelp Sentiment Analysis

This can get highly technical so it is best if you hire an IT expert on platforms like Genius. These professionals can use advanced tools, like SpaCy, without mistakes to improve your data’s quality so you can perform sentiment analysis with confidence.

Step 3: Choose A Sentiment Analysis Tool

Sentiment analysis tools process your data and are critical to get accurate results. Here are the 3 best tools to get you started:


  • Best for social media texts because it uses lexicon and can handle slang and abbreviations.
  • Fast and efficient.
  • Open-source and easy to integrate with various platforms.

IBM Watson

  • AI capabilities like emotion detection.
  • Integrates well with other IBM services.
  • Highly customizable with detailed sentiment analysis.

Google Cloud Natural Language API

  • Seamless integration with other Google Cloud services.
  • Extensive language support for global reach.
  • Lets you seamlessly incorporate sentiment data from various sources.

Once you have your tool, run it to understand the sentiment expressed in your data and identify whether your brand has a positive, negative, or neutral reputation.

Step 4: Interpret & Act on Results

Look for patterns in your data and make it work in your favor. For example, if customers frequently mention your fast delivery positively, highlight this strength in your marketing.

But addressing negative feedback is equally important. Suppose many customers express how they get frustrated about slow response times. Use this insight to improve your customer service.

3 Challenges Of Sentiment Analysis In SEO

Learn how to prepare for these challenges so you can use your time and resources more effectively.

A. Evolving Language Trends

Slang and expressions change, and sentiment analysis tools may not keep up fast enough. Plus, words and phrases shift in meaning, which also affects the sentiment score.

For example, “lit” used to mean lighted, but now it means exciting or great. Also, “savage” used to mean wild or untamed, but now it means bold or impressive.

With this, analyzing customer feedback becomes risky if tools do not recognize these changes. They might misinterpret the positive or negative sentiment in customer opinions.

To solve this, update your sentiment analysis tools with the latest slang and expressions. Use machine learning to let your systems learn from new data continuously.

You should also engage with your audience on social media. Pay attention to new phrases and their meanings and incorporate your findings into your tools.

However, updating the tools involves coding. So consider hiring a tech-savvy intern from job boards like Prosple and WayUp.

Why interns? Because besides coding, they can offer insights into new slang and expressions. Being young and active on social media means they are likely up-to-date with the latest trends. Plus, you do not have to commit long-term, especially if the updates do not require a 9-to-5 employee.

B. Detecting Sarcasm & Irony

This is a challenge because sarcasm can completely change a statement’s sentiments. For example, “Great, another delay” might seem positive to the tool, but it is actually negative.

Misinterpreting these can make it hard to address negative sentiment properly, especially if you have thousands of data.

How do you solve this?

Use tools that offer extensive data customization like Google Cloud Natural Language. You can train it to recognize contextual clues like “yeah, right.”

You should also leverage machine learning models. They will continuously feed your system examples of sarcasm to improve accuracy. Also, incorporate human review for ambiguous cases since they can better detect nuanced language.

C. Multilingual Analysis

Each language has unique nuances. They have different expressions, slang, and idioms. With so much difference, you run the risk of misinterpreting sentiments.

To prepare for this challenge, leverage IBM Watson to process your data. It supports 13 languages to deliver more accurate sentiment results.

You can also translate customer feedback into a common language before inserting them into your tools. Do this by hiring native speakers on your team. They can give you correct insights into language-specific nuances.

Understanding cultural context and expressions will help you address customer preferences more effectively. This can improve customer satisfaction and a better overall user experience.


To get into action, make a list of sources where you can collect customer feedback.  But remember, sentiment analysis is not a one-time task. So stay proactive to guarantee you always have your customer’s current pulse. This way, you can also adjust your SEO tactics based on how your audience feels.

To help refine your tactics, you can trust Heroic Search. With an experienced team to back you up, you can generate content and links that matter. Get on board now and watch your authority and ranking rise.

Burkhard Berger
Burkhard Berger

Burkhard Berger is the founder of Novum™. He helps innovative B2B companies implement revenue-driven SEO strategies to scale their organic traffic to 1,000,000+ visitors per month. Curious about what your true traffic potential is?


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