About Ashley
In another lifetime, Ashley was the owner of a small hair salon in Oregon. Her favorite part of running a business was generating search engine traffic to the company website, so she let it all go to pursue an education in Internet Marketing where she eventually transferred to achieve New Media Communications powers at Charles Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters… Okay, not really; it was actually Full Sail University, but she did graduate with honors.
She’s also Inbound Certified and Content Marketing Certified through HubSpot. Her digital marketing career began as an Inbound Marketing Consultant where she worked with artists, entrepreneurs, eCommerce businesses, and SaaS companies to improve their search rankings, boost traffic, and create converting content. Her scope of work has included CMS administration, SEO, social media marketing, crowdfunding, and content creation for all sized brands across the globe.
She started working with Heroic Search as a content creator where she’s written for authority sites like Crazy Egg, and has since taken on other roles including project management, strategy, outreach, and fighting black hat SEO crimes for us and our clients.

What I Do For Fun
When she’s not working behind the laptop screen, Ashley likes to spend as much time as possible outside. In the warmer months, you’ll either find her hiking trails in Oregon backcountry, playing behind waterfalls, or lounging in hidden hotsprings.
Unfortunately, the winter months in Oregon can be cold and harsh. So, unless she can travel somewhere tropical, she stays indoors to binge on tv shows like Vikings and Game of Thrones, play video games like Skyrim, or watch pretty much any movie released by Marvel.